Soup and Bread

Soup & Bread v 3.0: March!

Soup & Bread is back for ONE MORE MEAL before we pack it in for spring. Our March 29 installment features soup from Sarah Dandelles, Celeste Dolan, Tamiz Haiderali, Allison Scott, Lisa Phillips, and our friends at Vienna Beef.

Bread is generously donated by Publican Quality Bread, and Middlebrow Bread. And as ever, children are welcome at Soup & Bread with parent or guardian.

Between skyrocketing grocery prices and cuts to federal SNAP benefits this month, food pantries are busier than ever. Your pay-what-you-can donations this month benefit Nourishing Hope — — which two pantries serving the north and west sides.

Soup & Bread happens March 29, 6-8 pm at the Hideout, 1354 W. Wabansia in Chicago.

Posted: Tuesday Mar 21,2023 09:43 AM In Uncategorized

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