Soup and Bread

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I know. It’s barely fall. But it’s time to face the facts: winter is coming, sooner than we think. Don’t be scared though. It may mean the days are soon to be dark, depressing, and cold, but it also means the return of Soup & Bread.

Our twelfth season of S&B at the Hideout starts Wednesday, January 8 — it’s a little late this year as January 1 is technically the first Wednesday of the year, but we don’t expect anyone to lug their bodies, let alone their pots of soup, to the bar on New Year’s Day. We wrap for the year, no foolin, on Wednesday, April 1.

As ever, pay-what-you-can meals run from 5:30 to 8 pm Wednesday nights at the Hideout, 1354 W. Wabansia, with an array of donated soups and breads, plus music and the hopefully soothing company of friends, including some you haven’t met yet. If you’d like to be involved as a volunteer soup cook or in some other way, drop a line to Martha at

Thanks and we’ll have more very soon!


Posted: Monday Oct 7,2019 04:56 PM In Uncategorized

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