There are just THREE WEEKS left of Soup & Bread, and we’ve already raised more than $7,000 this year for Chicago-area hunger relief groups. Can we make it to $10K? We can with your help. (And if you can’t make it to the event, don’t forget: you can always donate online via our fiscal sponsor. It’s tax-deductible!)
This week on the soup line we’ve got:
The return of our friend HOT DOUG Sohn (split pea with ham) & the lovely Barbara Tyksinski (vegetarian minestrone)
Katie Gourley (vegan sweet potato-coconut curry), Kathleen Williams (creamy mushroom), and Melissa Flynn (pumpkin-black bean) from the Green City Market
Plus Bonnie Tawse (“cheater ramen”), Peter Hartel (“chicken noodle”), and another chef from Local Foods.
Our partner organization this week is the wonderful cooking program at the Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture at the Heartland Alliance. Our guest DJ is Suzanne Goebel, who’s also bringing carrot-ginger soup, and as ever our bread comes from Publican Quality Bread. And let’s just say we are pretty darn sure we will have cake as well, as it is a certain Soup & Bread organizer’s birthday and her initials are Sheila Sachs.
See you Wednesday. Don’t miss out!
Posted: Sunday Mar 12,2017 10:26 AM In Event ScheduleSusbscribe to our awesome Blog Feed or Comments Feed